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Immigration Evaluations

In addition to offering comprehensive counseling services, we also provide clinical immigration evaluations for clients from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, experiencing unique immigration situations.  


How It Works



The immigration evaluation starts with an in-depth interview performed by a specialized counselor who is highly experienced in immigration-specific issues.  During the interview, we will discuss your immigration case as well as your personal, marital and family history; work history; as well as medical and psychiatric information that is relevant to your case. 


Shortly after our evaluation, we will provide a confidential report to the attorney handling your case.



Immigration Services We Offer



  • Extreme Hardship Waiver (I-601/I-601-A)

  • Spousal/Domestic Abuse Waiver

  • Political Asylum Waiver

  • U-Visas

  • T-Visas

  • VAWA

  • Cancellation of Removal

  • Expert Witness Testimony




To schedule an immigration evaluation, contact us at: 


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